New, new and new

Happy New Year! Before I start blogging about 2013, let’s start with finishing up 2012.

2012 was a banner  year filled with  a new book to illustrate, a new baby girl, and a new studio!

To start 2012 off, I was contacted by an author through Cedar Hill Publishing to illustrate a new book early last year.  I can proudly say that the book is finished and soon it will be on its way to the printers.  This was my first book that I chose to use acrylics as the primary medium.  I love painting with acrylics.  I am very happy with the way this book turned out.

Snuggle Moose Cover

Soon after I got the Snuggle Moose contract, I got pregnant with our second child.  Of course we were thrilled, but being pregnant certainly made it a challenge to get things done quickly. Because I am a stay at home mom and a freelance illustrator, I have to find creative ways to get my artwork done.  So usually I paint during the hours that my son was asleep.  Well, while pregnant my energy was pretty low and chasing around a two year old all day really wore me out. So I split my time that I normally would be painting with some much needed naps myself.

Another new thing that we did this past year was add on to our house to make room for our new little one.  So this meant that I finally got my studio space that I so desperately wanted!  We were able to add it on to the master bedroom, so that when I paint late into the wee hours of the morning, I can quietly slip into bed and not disturb anyone.


Here is our custom built desk that fits into a little nook that out looks our back yard.  Love it!


This is my main working desk with loads of storage and flat table space!  I love to spread out when working on a project.


We also included an art studio space in the office for our kids.  Tons of markers, crayons and watercolors to use whenever.  I have to admit that I love using the old school supplies as well!  On the desk you will notice a drawing that Aidan and I did together.  It’s one of my faves.

When Julia was born, I gave myself a few weeks to adjust and then it was back to painting.  I was determined to get Snuggle Moose finished now that I had my energy back.  Thankfully Julia is a great sleeper and loves to be wrapped up on me while I paint.  It took a little getting used to with her in front of me, but I got it.

2012 was a great year and I look forward to making 2013 even better!